When you spend a lot of time on the road, breaking down is inevitable. These kinds of setbacks can cost you both time, and money. If you have some mechanical knowledge, you may be able to repair yourself, but many heavy-duty truck repairs are best left to the professionals. Unfortunately, not all mechanics have your best interest at heart. Though most mechanics are good, hard-working people, there is a handful who will do their best to keep you coming back for repairs, sell you bad parts, or overcharge you. For most people, the world of auto repair is a foreign one, and it can be hard to gauge if you are receiving a fair price and good parts. If you suspect you might be dealing with a disreputable mechanic, look for these signs that you may be taking part in a scam. 


If you’ve been to the mechanic a few times, you may have already run into this problem. You take your vehicle in for what seems like a simple fix and you are told the repair will be a big job, take lots of time and be very pricey. If you are like most people and are unfamiliar with auto repairs, you may take their word for it. The best way to check is simply by shopping around. Call a few repair shops and get a quote so that you have some references to compare prices to. You can even go online and research the issue yourself to gain a little more insight into how intensive the repair will be. 

Strange Terms

When you drop off your vehicle, be on the lookout for any terms that seem fishy. If you are asked to leave your truck for an indefinite amount of time or aren’t allowed to inspect the repairs while they are being done, you may want to rethink the mechanic you are hiring. When a mechanic requires payment upfront for both labor and repair parts, this is another sign that the mechanic you are dealing with may not be the most reputable. Avoid cash-only businesses and do your best to get a written quote before you leave your vehicle in their hands. 

Cheap replacement parts

Using aftermarket spare parts can save you money in the short term, but there is no guarantee that the parts will function as well as the parts produced by the original manufacturer. If your mechanic installs cheap or used parts, you might find yourself handing over more money in the near future to replace the same part. The best way to avoid this is by inspecting the replacement parts yourself or by supplying your own. 

Unnecessary Repairs

Not every trip to the mechanic starts as an urgent repair that needs immediate fixing. Maybe you just need a new tire or it’s time for an oil change. But, when you go to pick up your vehicle, the mechanic has a whole list of repairs that you need to get taken care of. By telling you things like you may have a cracked radiator, a frayed belt, low brake pads, or need new tires, mechanics can take the concern you have for your car and use it to make themselves a quick buck. If your mechanic is always giving you a list of repairs to look into, they may be luring you into replacing parts that still have life left in them. 

Refusal to Return Old Car Parts

It may seem obvious, but you own all of the parts of your car, even after they have been replaced. One way to ensure that your mechanic is replacing the parts you need to be repaired is by asking for your old parts back. The workshop cannot provide you with your old parts, they may have been charging you for repairs that they didn’t do. 

Bad Reviews

When all else fails, check the reviews online. If you suspect that you’re getting scammed, you probably aren’t alone. Even if the company you are looking into doesn’t have a place to leave reviews on its webpage, third parties like Yelp, ConsumerReports, and Google Customer Reviews are all good places to check for reviews. 

Find Heavy Duty Truck Repair in Dallas TX

Going in for repairs can feel like a hassle, but it doesn’t have to. Massey Towing and Truck Repair provide Dallas with towing services they can trust. We offer our truck repair, heavy hauling, and towing truck services around the clock so that you can get back on the road as soon as possible.  We guarantee that no matter the size of the job, we have the right rig for the job. To get in touch with Massey customer service, give us a call today!